00 24/09/2011 11:44
re nuova macchia solare 1302
CHANCE OF FLARES: New sunspot 1302 has already produced one X-flare (X1.4 on Sept. 22nd), can another be far behind? NOAA forecasters put the 24-hour probability at 20%. The sheer size of the active region suggests the odds might be even higher than that:

Each of the dark cores in this snapshot from the Solar Dynamics Observatory is larger than Earth, and the entire active region stretches more than 100,000 km from end to end. The sunspot's magnetic field is crackling with sub-X-class flares that could grow into a larger eruption as the sunspot continues to turn toward Earth. Readers with solar telescopes are encouraged to monitor developments.
gianni maltoni
SOCIO C.U.N. romagna