00 04/05/2011 23:06
Copincollo da www.circlemakerstv.org/?page_id=60, visto che è inerente al discorso delle richieste e delle "pretese" nei confronti dei circlemakers:


Circlemakers really do want to do circlemaking projects legally by renting use of land and crop for construction of at least 1 but possibly more crop circles during 2011 summer. The costs of paying off a farmer are vast, not particularly because of the crop cost involved but because farmers would like to profit on this also. This has meant Circlemakers have always had to rely on TV companies saying they would pay to see a circle being made. However then circlemakers have always been denied to use of the TV comapanies footage in an unrestricted way so we cannot show a circle being created from start to finish. The options left then are for Circlemakers to do it the old fashioned way of illegally but then this means far less possibility to discuss who made the circle and allow outsiders to take part as they would be taking part in a criminal act plus also could decide to reveal details of these formations in an uncontrolled way which would ruin experiments. So if anyone wants to come on board and put their money where their mouth is and be a major part in experiments to do this we are going to be needing about £2000 to rent a field and hire other vital equipment which we need to make this happen for a full experiemental purpose. Only those who are major contributors will be given details of what is planned and will be can be optionally credited for their help.[cut]

What we need

So these are the things we would like to do and their costs:

◦Firstly promote the show – suggest ideas and guests to us. Cost = your time and effort.
◦Small donations earmarked for show guest expenses – fuel and food. £ Whatever you wish
◦Creation of scientific and experimental circles legally (large donators can help be part of the projects) – £2000
◦Aircraft repairs £1200 – ( needed urgently so aircraft is fully test flown before Season starts)
◦Commision the best circlemaker teams to do your design – £unknown (and dependant on scale – get in touch)
◦Sponsor the show – cash or equipment

Quello che dice Williams, quindi, è che con 2000 sterline si può trovare sia un campo che un team disposto a realizzare un cerchio su commissione.
Per una cifra imprecisata (che dipende dalla dimensione e della complesità del disegno) si può commissionare ad un team il disegno che uno vuole.

Consiglio quindi a Billy49 (o al CUN, se la cosa può essere di loro interesse) di prendere contatti di Williams per richiedere un cerchio sperimentale, o addirittura la replica di Milk Hill.